Breaking news
  1. 2024-2025 Season Opener Recap
  2. Congrats to Andrew Lam for his Commitment to Roberts Wesleyan University!
  3. MVP Scholarship Fund 2024
  4. Donation Fund for Cindy Fang
  5. In order to win we need to…


Beginner Clinics

The MVP Winter Clinics are designed for players who have basic volleyball knowledge and want to improve their skills, they are not designed for current MVP club players. Limited to 24 players per age group.

Cost: $180 for 4 session, $50 per session drop-in rate (All payments subject to a 3% processing fee)

Location: Hong’s Training Center (19000 Woodfield Rd, Gaithersburg, MD, 200879)


Middle School (Saturdays 3-5pm)

  • December 21st, December 28th, January 4th, January 11th

High School (Sundays 3-5pm)

  • December 22nd, December 29th, January 5th, January 12th

Direct questions to: [email protected]

Sign up for our winter clinics here