Every MVP team participated at the 2022 Chesapeake Regionals, with the exception of MVP 12 Black, who competed in a nearby girl’s tournament this past weekend. Participating teams included MVP 13 Black, MVP 14 Black, MVP 14 Red, MVP 14 Gold, MVP 15 Black, MVP 15 Red, MVP 16 Black, MVP 16 Red, MVP 17 Black, MVP 18 Black, and in their first tournament of the season, MVP 18 Red! The club took the opportunity to take a full club photo, which ALMOST had everyone in it (18 Red, 12 Black missing). At the end of the day, Maryland Volleyball Program came home with a lot of medals! Golds were won by 18 Black, 17 Black, 16 Black, 15 Black, and 13 Black in their respective age divisions. MVP 16s Red also came home with silver medals in the U16s silver division. What a great showing by the entire club!