General Announcements
MVP will be hosting Beginner/Intermediate clinics this Winter. Please see https://mvpvolleyball.net/clinics for registration information!
Congratulations to MVP 16s Black Head Coach, Ou Huang, for winning the 2022 AVCA Diversity Award! “The AVCA Diversity Development Team, under the leadership of Coach Nickie Sanlin, continues to champion the Association’s diversity and coach development initiatives. 2022 will mark the seventh year for the AVCA Diversity Awards program (eighth year with the AVCA…
MVP will host 3 Pre-Season Open Gym Sessions starting Saturday, September 10th. Sign up at https://forms.gle/XtY5L32n1X6FD2nEA Prospective players will have a chance to meet the MVP coaches and get some reps in so they are ready for MVP Try-outs on October 2nd and 9th! Dates: Saturdays, September 10th, 17th, and 24tt Times: 3-5pm for Under…
NEW!!!! Open Gym for Rising 8th, 9th, and 10th graders! Due to popular demand, MVP is hosting an Open Gym for new and current MVP players who are considering trying out for the 13s, 14s, and 15s. Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_cCDtkHqhL2MpyOowKCHIbN260h34rSOOnJdsBKPIzz-xCg/viewform
Nearly all of the MVP teams traveled to Richmond this past Memorial Day weekend to compete over three days at the Boys East Coast Championships. Congratulations to MVP 18s Black, who finished bronze in the 18s Open division with an 8-1 match record, and a 16-3 set record out of 20 teams. Congratulations to Coach…
This past weekend, MVP traveled down to Richmond VA to compete in the 2022 ACPL Championships. Despite missing several players and both coaches, the 18s finished in dominating fashion, going undefeated over two days and bringing home first place in the U18 Boys Division! Big shout out to Coach JJ and Coach Jon who stepped…
Every MVP team participated at the 2022 Chesapeake Regionals, with the exception of MVP 12 Black, who competed in a nearby girl’s tournament this past weekend. Participating teams included MVP 13 Black, MVP 14 Black, MVP 14 Red, MVP 14 Gold, MVP 15 Black, MVP 15 Red, MVP 16 Black, MVP 16 Red, MVP 17…
This past weekend, MVP 18 Black and 17 Black participated in week 2 of BANE (Boys Atlantic Northeast Bid Tournament), a 3-day tournament hosted at the Spooky Nook Sports Facility in Manheim, PA. The 18s finished with silver medals in the 18s Open division, and 17s Black finished with gold in 17s USA. Congrats to…